Tibetan Sound Therapy
Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony.
Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks (1451-1519)
What are Tibetan Singing Bowls and What is Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy?
Tibetan Singing Bowls are healing, vibrational, handmade metal bowls that create a sacred, harmonic sound when struck. They have been used for centuries all over the Himalaya regions- Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India and also in Japan and Korea. Among their uses, is sound therapy to treat various conditions of the mind, body and spirit.
What help does Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Therapy give and Who can benefit from the treatment?
The Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Therapy may help all ages and all conditions- physical, mental, emotional. It can support/complement medical treatment and also support recovery from addictions, grief, stress disorders including mental or emotional stress, migraine, PMS symptoms, pain, depression, anxiety, neurological disorders, cancer and other ailments. Sound is very helpful as a modality for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. The treatment is also used for prevention and health maintenance, healthy people can benefit from the states of deep relaxation, and from the greater overall sense of well-being. This is a natural therapy so there are no negative side effects. This is a kind, gentle and profound treatment. Clients are encouraged to follow and work with their doctor and medical practitioners. It is purely a supportive therapy.
Hear Isabela explain sound therapy in person
What is the Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Therapy Treatment?
It is a deeply relaxing, fully clothed, sound massage type treatment (1 hour or 1/2 hour long). The practitioner places the bowls on and around the persons body and then plays them in a particular sequence. Heavenly sounds come to help relax, calm, dispel negative energy and balance chakras. The treatment works as a Mental Detox as well as harmonizing and tuning the body, mind and spirit. Often the person will drift into a peaceful sleep during the treatment or will reach a peaceful conscious place while receiving the positive vibrations.
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, a board certified medical oncologist, internist, haematologist and pioneer in integrative oncology says the following:
“Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic, spiritual and emotional functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder. In fact, disease is a form of disharmony. We need to take time to retune our bodies, like we would a fine instrument. When I started looking into sound and healing I found that every culture on earth has used sound, voice and music as part of their healing rituals.”
A multiplicity of bowls rang beautifully! Some vibrated around me and some on me. I was in my body but it was as if I was out of my body at the same time. Not thinking of anything, my mind was quiet, my soul at ease. I could not believe it…my mind quiet! There was a transference of negative energy into positive energy, I could feel it happening! They were such harmonizing melodies. I had fallen into inner peace. So, for those of you reading this and who may feel uncertainty or scepticism as I did, throw it all away! This would be the most effective form of healing you could ever do for yourself, your mind, and your spirit.
I have suffered from continuous and at times severe Post Traumatic Symptoms for many years and have also developed a chronic addiction problem. On receiving a treatment and several since, they have more than delivered their promise. The experience is deeply relaxing, restful, loving and thorough. I feel the healing through to my bones. In the hands of a practitioner such as Isabela Basombrio Hoban, the singing bowls are profoundly healing. She is competent, safe and respectfull. The whole experience is sacred and changing.
That was so lovely, I have never experienced anything like it, the bowls are so spiritual and reflective. If I could, I would do this everyday.
I loved the sound and placement of the bowls, particularly the soft notes at the ear. The bowl placed on the abdomen was comforting as was the one placed on the small of the back. During the therapy I had a sense of relaxation and ease. For the rest of the day there was a lovely quiet peaceful feeling of contentment within me which was most beautiful.
I always feel so well when I get this treatment. I feel that the vibrations from the bowls help me so much, and that they are so positive.
How is Tibetan Sound Therapy used?
Singing bowls make harmonic sounds that resonate with our own human energy field. They vibrate to produce profound, beautiful and soothing sounds. Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, music therapy, relaxation and personal well-being. They are used by a wide range of professionals, including health professionals, school teachers, musicians and spiritual teachers. Singing bowls are used in health care by psychotherapists, massage therapists, cancer specialists, hospice workers, stress and meditation specialists. They are used to help treat cancer patients and also for post traumatic stress disorder. They are popular in classrooms to help facilitate group activities and focus students’ attention.
Tibetan Singing Bowls an Ancient System of Healing
Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy is an ancient system of healing. The bowls are struck or a striker is played on the rim to make them resonate, vibrate or sing. The sound created is very calming, soothing and gentle, encouraging deep states of relaxation, clarity of concentration and peacefulness. The bowl practitioner taps the bowls in a specific manner creating an entrancing energy. Each bowl will vibrate and sing a different predominate note from the music scale A, B, C, D, E, F, or G. Each note is coordinated with a specific chakra, helping to balance and harmonize the chakra system and energy field of the body.
More affects of sound on our bodies
All types of sound from a phone ringing, to an angry voice, to pure simple soothing tones have an effect on the nervous system which in turn affects every cell in the body, either creating relaxation or stress. Stress is at the root of many diseases. This is why well being and physical health are so inextricably linked to sound. Sound from the bowls train the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition. When placed directly on the body the sound vibrations are transmitted into our blood, organs, tissues, and cellular memory through the large amount of water in our system. The sound vibrations impact on our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response. It reduces brain wave activity, slows the respiratory and heart rate creating ’Cardio- Respiratory Synchronicity’—the perfect condition to release blocked energy and bring the body back into alignment. The therapy takes place while fully clothed. The client is asked to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and no or little jewelry. The therapy takes place with the person either sitting down, standing up or lying down. Sometimes, these are combined.
Are there any medical conditions unsuitable for this therapy?
This therapy is unsuitable for people who wear pacemakers, for people who have just had an operation, and for people that have pins or screws in their bones. This treatment is gentle and non-invasive. With the exception of the bowls touching the body, this is a no-touch sound massage, with no manipulation of muscles, joints or bones
What are the benefits of the treatment?
Relaxation, stress reduction, and going into a deep place of calm and serenity will happen during the session. The therapy also balances energy, reduces stress and pain, creates vitality and helps to create a peaceful consciousness. It is a sound massage that can reach, through vibrations, into our deepest levels. As this is a natural therapy, there are no negative side effects.
What conditions does Sound Therapy help?
Sound massage can support medical treatment. The bowls can give supportive help from stress disorders including post traumatic stress disorder and other mental stress. Also, the bowls can support recovery from addictions, migrane headaches, PMS symptoms, pain, depression and autism. The treatment gives deep and fast relaxation, energizes, helps with mental clarity and creates a feeling of lightness. The healing process is initiated by training our brainwaves and creating sympathetic resonance with the perfect vibrations of the bowls. Healthy people can benefit from the states of deep relaxation, and from the greater overall sense of well-being. IMPORTANT: Singing bowl therapy is a supportive therapy and will not cure illness but may support recovery. Clients are encouraged to get, and follow medical treatment from their doctors and medical practicioners.
How long are the sessions?
Individual sessions last either 30 minutes or 50 minutes. Please allow an overall time of 40 minutes for a 30 minute session and 60 minutes for a 45 minute session. It’s also possible to organize group healing sessions and group meditation sessions.
What is the history of the Tibetan singing bowls?
Commonly known as Tibetan singing bowls, the ancient bowls actually come from various Himalayan regions including Tibet, Nepal, India and Bhutan and are made from a consecrated seven metal alloy. Each of the seven metals represent seven of the planets in our solar system. Prayers and mantras are chanted to them during their creation so they carry that sacred energy. They are hand made and hand hammered. For centuries they have been utilized for healing and consciousness transformation. We are now discovering the science behind this powerful ancient modality which is so effective for healing today. Modern medicine can now measure, and thus confirm, the practice of sound as a means to heal.
*Singing bowls can be used for individual healing sessions, group healing sessions, group meditation sessions and for musical sound concerts.
Price €60.00