Acupuncture is traditional Chinese medicine and has been in existence for thousands of years.
It is a technique that balances our life force otherwise known as Qi which is believed to flow through pathways in our body known as meridians. When these pathways are blocked it causes ‘dis-ease’. It is widely known as a therapeutic practice to relax and heal the body by using very thin needles. Many people have tried this procedure and are satisfied with the results.
Thin hair-like needles are pressed into the skin. The body may feel slight pain which only lasts a couple of seconds. I recently had a client who described it as ‘good pain’. It is a very beneficial way to obtain instant results. One main benefit of acupuncture is that it improves the overall well-being of the individual as well as pain relief and relaxation. It promotes changes that enable rapid positive emotional and physical changes.
Some clients might have an aversion to needles. However, I have an non-invasive device that works on acupuncture points. It is an amazing piece of technology and works well especially for pain and relaxation.
Health Scan:
Bioresonance Health Scan
A bioresonance scan is a great opportunity to monitor your health and learn to understand your body better.
It shows early signs of imbalances in the body that may indicate future dis-ease.
It helps you to take action, stay motivated and healthy.
Prevention is better than cure!
What is a bioresonance scan?
This is an effective non-invasive system for scanning the body. The groundbreaking technology can detect imbalances in the body and at the same time provide magnetic therapy treatment to assist in the correction of such imbalances.
Measures the vital activity of all organs and systems of the body
Gives recommendations on stabilising and harmonising the state of your health to prevent disease.
Checks for vitamin and mineral deficiencies It provides the necessary help, in time to minimise the need for medication
Checks for parasites, bacteria, viruses, inflammation, toxins and allergies plus more.